Jan 4, 2021
Update on November and December Council Meetings
The two-day special meeting, held on Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st, approved the 2021 draft budget. The budget featured belt-tightening cost...
Dec 30, 2020
Special Council Meetings - February and March
The County has scheduled three special council meetings for key public hearings that were delayed because of Covid restrictions. The...
Nov 30, 2020
2021 Budget update
The issue of cost recovery was raised a few times in the November 30th budget discussion. This is an important issue for Council to...
Oct 29, 2020
Update on October Council Meetings
New Reeve / Deputy Reeve, New Electoral Boundaries, Draft MDP, Lehigh Hanson Gravel pit application, Expansion of East Balzac ASP
Sep 28, 2020
Update on September Council Meetings
Council held two meetings in September on the 1st and the 22nd. The important issues are summarized below. Details on key items...
Sep 17, 2020
Consultant's report on Electoral boundaries available
As an update to our last email on the County’s initiative to revise Rocky View’s electoral division boundaries, we wanted to let people...
Aug 27, 2020
Proposed New Electoral Boundaries
In case you haven’t heard from other sources, the County has released its proposed new electoral boundaries bylaw. You can access it...
Aug 10, 2020
Damkar lands application - 500 units on 12-acres
Some residents have asked that we make everyone aware of this upcoming development application in Bearspaw. The application is located...
Jul 31, 2020
July Council Meetings update
Since our last update, Council held three meetings on July 14th, 21st, and 28th. These meetings dealt with a huge number of issues. Some...
Jul 22, 2020
Judge throws out sanctions against Councillors Hanson, Kissel and Wright
On July 15th, the judge released his decision on the sanctions against Councillors Hanson, Kissel and Wright. In his ruling, he set...