The Residents' Perspective
Candidate Information - Who's Running Where
Rocky View Forward has carefully examined the platforms, backgrounds, and records of the candidates in each division and listened to feedback from residents. Based on that information, Rocky View Forward has decided to endorse the following candidates:
Division 1 - Kevin Hanson Division 5 - Ted Francois
Division 2 - Don Kochan Division 6 - Sunny Samra
Division 3 - Crystal Kissel Division 7 - Alysha Bates
Division 4 - Samanntha Wright
Here's who is running in each division, along with the email addresses for each candidate and links to their websites and/or Facebook pages. Our assessment of all the candidates is here.
Division 1
Kevin Hanson
email: kevin.hanson@votekevin.ca
website: www.votekevin.ca
Brent Moore
email: ccc@brentd1.com
website: www.brentd1.com
Division 2
Don Kochan
email: votekochandiv2@gmail.com
website: votedonkochan.ca
Kim McKylor
email: no email address, only contact form on website
website: www.kimmckylor.com
Division 3
Jolene Airth
email: hello@electjolene.com
website: www.electjolene.com
Crystal Kissel
email: votekissel@gmail.com
website: www.crystalkissel.com
Division 4
Dan Henn
email: dhenn64@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DanHennRVCCouncil
Roc Spence
email: roc@spence4council.com
website: www.spence4council.com
Samanntha Wright
email: sam@wrightforrockyview.com
website: www.wrightforrockyview.com
Division 5
Greg Boehlke
no contact information available
Ted Francois
email: contact@tedfrancois.com
website: www.tedfrancois.com
Mark Jette
email: mark@markjette.ca
website: www.markjette.ca
John McMurray
email: johnmcmurray@gmail.com
Division 6
Rolly Ashdown
email: rolly@platinum.ca
Jerry Gautreau
email: no email address, only contact form on website
website: www.jerrygautreau.com
Sunny Samra
email: votesunnysamra@gmail.com
website: www.votesunny.com
Jeremy Stinson
email: vetsson@gmail.com
website: www.electstinson.ca
Division 7
Al Schule
no contact information available
Alysha Bates
website: alyshabates.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Alysha-Bates-RVC-Division-7-Councillor-Candidate