Provincial Review of the Local Authorities Elections Act
The Province has released information on proposed changes to the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) – the legislation governing how municipal elections are run. They are seeking public input until July 31, 2018. The issues that the Province has identified are all important for improving municipal elections. Here are the links to the Province’s consultation material:
Discussion guide
However, the provincial material does not include any changes that would facilitate the creation of municipal voters’ lists or that would clarify the role of scrutineers (something that the 2017 Rocky View election clearly demonstrated are needed).
We encourage as many people as possible to submit their views on these important issues before the end of the month. A draft of the submission that Rocky View Forward will be submitting is here. (We will post the final version as soon as it is completed; but wanted to give people more time before the July 31st deadline.) Please feel free to cherry-pick ideas, etc. from this for your own submission.